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Sun Island


The Sun Island Scenic Area features vast grasslands, sloping terrain, rivers, and streams, with a variety of northern trees, making it a wetland grassland-style scenic area. The seasonal changes are very distinct throughout the year.

Sun Island Park is the main attraction on Sun Island. The primary scenic spot, "Shuige Yuntian", covers an area of 1,515 square meters and adopts modern garden landscaping techniques. The design is divided into three parts: a long corridor, a connecting corridor, and a square pavilion. The main plaque with the inscription "Shuige Yuntian" was written by Chen Lei, the former governor of Heilongjiang Province, in a vigorous and powerful style. The square pavilion on the water has 54 black-faced marble columns, and the Shuige Yuntian Plaza is paved with square stone paths. Beneath the shade of the trees on both sides are stone tables and benches, and long corridors and flower pools are placed on both sides of the main entrance. This structure began construction in 1980 and was completed in 1981.

Sun Lake on Sun Island is an artificial lake that was dug by Harbin residents through volunteer labor. The excavated earth was used to improve the surrounding environment, and part of it was piled up to form Sun Mountain.

Centered around Sun Lake, five interconnected lakes were built. On the lakes, there are Sister Bridge, Pavilion Bridge, and White Jade Bridge. The Triangular Sun Pavilion at the top of the mountain is the highest structure on Sun Mountain. In the mountain, a three-tiered waterfall called "Clear Spring Waterfall" was built as one of the main attractions.

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